Ceramics Engineering Questions and Answers – Metallic Bonding in Ceramics

This set of Ceramics Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Metallic Bonding in Ceramics”.

1. Metallic bond belongs to which of the following category?
a) Primary bond
b) Secondary bond
c) Tertiary bond
d) Quaternary bond
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chemical bonds are classified as strong bonds or primary bonds and weak bonds or secondary bonds. Primary bonds consist of metallic, ionic and covalent bond. Secondary bond consists of London dispersion force, dipole-dipole interaction and hydrogen bonding.

2. Metallic bonds require a balanced electric charge between elements.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Metals consist of electron charges around positive ion cores. These charges shield each other to gain electrostatic equilibrium. Thus, metallic bonds do not require a balanced electric charge.

3. Titanium nitride is gold in color and is an electric conductor. Its melting point is 2949°C and is brittle at room temperature. What does this suggest?
a) It is a conductor
b) It has partial covalent and ionic character
c) It has partial metallic character
d) It has ionic character
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Answer: c
Explanation: The high melting point suggests that Titanium nitride is a metal as metallic bond is very strong and high energy is required to break it. The brittleness is associated with ceramics. The gold colour again suggests lustre property of metals.

4. In ceramics with metallic bonds, the phenomenon that makes formation of chemical bonds possible is _________
a) Hybridization
b) Catenation
c) Hydrogenation
d) Reduction
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Answer: a
Explanation: Orbital hybridization is mixing of atomic orbitals suitable for pairing of electrons to form chemical bonds and new hybrid orbitals. This is also given by Valence Bond Theory. The hybridization of s, p and d orbitals of transition metals give rise to chemical bonds in ceramics.

5. What type of bonding do transition metal borides show?
a) Covalent and ionic
b) Covalent and metallic
c) Metallic and ionic
d) Ionic
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Answer: b
Explanation: Interaction between boron atoms form chains, layers or three-dimensional networks showing covalent character. While they also show metallic behaviour due to hybrid transition metal orbitals.

6. What is the most possible reason of conductivity in metals?
a) Delocalization of free electrons
b) Thermal potential
c) Increase in thermal agitation
d) Magnetic induction
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Answer: a
Explanation: A typical metallic model conveys that metals contain positive ion core in a sea of electrons. These electrons are loosely bound to their shells and are free to move throughout the surface which is called delocalization of electrons. On application of electric field, these electrons flow and produce electricity.

7. Metallic bonding is ____________
a) Directional
b) Non-directional
c) Saturated
d) Unsaturated
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Answer: b
Explanation: Metallic bonding in ceramics is non directional because electrons between metallic atoms are not shared in one direction as in case of covalent bonds. However, they are shared with many atoms in all possible directions.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Ceramics Engineering.

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