Ceramics Engineering Questions and Answers – Mixed Bonding in Ceramics

This set of Ceramics Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mixed Bonding in Ceramics”.

1. Which of the following is correct statement?
a) Covalent character increases with increasing bonds
b) Covalent character increases with decreasing bonds
c) Ionic character increases with difference in electronegativity
d) Ionic character increases with similarity in electronegativity
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Answer: c
Explanation: As difference in electronegativity between two atoms increases, they tend to transfer their electrons to form ionic bonds. Similarly, as difference in electronegativity decreases, the atoms tend to share electrons to form covalent bond. Hence, ionic character increases with difference in electronegativity.

2. Which of the following is correct formula to find fraction of ionic character?
a) 1-exp⁡[ -0.25(Xm-Xx)2]
b) 1-exp⁡[-0.25(Xm-Xx)]
c) 1-exp 0.25Xm-Xx2
d) 1-exp⁡[0.25(Xm -Xx)]
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Answer: a
Explanation: The formula to find ionic character has negative sign in the power of exponent term and difference of electronegativity raised to power 2. Thus, the formula is,
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(Xm-Xx)2]

3. Electronegativity of silicon is 1.9 and that of oxygen is 3.44. What is the fraction of ionic character of silica?
a) 0.61
b) 0.21
c) 0.44
d) 0.802
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Answer: c
Explanation: By formula,
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(Xm-Xx)2]
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(3.44-1.9)2]
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(1.54)2]
1-exp⁡[ -0.5929]

4. Magnesium oxide has 0.73 fraction of ionic character. What type of characteristic does it show?
a) Half ionic
b) Half covalent
c) Predominantly covalent
d) Predominantly ionic
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Answer: d
Explanation: Magnesium oxide has more than 50% of ionic character. Hence it shows predominantly ionic character.

5. Gallium nitride has 0.38 fraction of ionic character. What type of characteristic does it show?
a) Half ionic
b) Half covalent
c) Predominantly ionic
d) Predominantly covalent
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gallium nitride has less than 50% of ionic character. Hence it shows predominantly covalent character.

6. What is the fraction of ionic character in hydrogen molecule?
a) 0
b) 1.00023
c) 0.023
d) 1.023
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hydrogen molecule is bonded by two H atoms. As the electronegativity is same, they form a covalent bond. Therefore ionic character of hydrogen molecule is 0.

7. Electronegativity of zinc is 1.65 and that of oxygen is 3.44. What is the ionic character of zinc oxide?
a) 0.34
b) 0.55
c) 0.82
d) 0.12
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Answer: b
Explanation: By formula,
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(Xm-Xx)2]
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(3.44-1.65)2]
1-exp⁡[ -0.25(1.79)2]
1-exp⁡[ -0.801]

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Ceramics Engineering.

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